Everything Vegan to Eat at Bite Club
In our series "Food Feast" we regularly visit places, streets or food events to try and eat as much vegan food as possible there - until we roll home. Amongst others, we’ve already been to the Don Xuan Center or Streetfood Thursday at Markthalle 9. You can read all about our culinary trips here.
In our series "Food Feast" we regularly visit places, streets or food events to try and eat as much vegan food as possible - until we roll home.
This time, we're visiting "Bite Club," a street food market in Berlin that regularly takes place at different places. On his 6th birthday, the market thews a small birthday party, and we thought that this was the perfect occasion for our food feast. We set off with our small hungry gang and ate pretty much everything – from "the hottest noodles in town" to vegan "chiccen" waffles.

Of course, we come prepared. Being professional eaters (ha!), we've already studied the food stalls thoroughly to know what to expect. Even before we arrive, the both of us have secret favorites that we're over the top excited to try.
While Julia is heading straight in the direction of her secret favorite, we spot something tiny, crunchy. „Kitchen MINE“ is serving Japanese croquettes with a vegan potato and spinach filling.

Being stuffed with potatoes AND "coated" in potatoes, you could assume that this croquette is a bit boring, but it teaches you better. Creamy filling, very crispy breading and drizzled with a tangy sauce, this croquette makes us very happy. Unfortunately, Kitchen MINE has no restaurant or so in Berlin, but "only" appears as a food stall on markets, so look out for them!
After this crispy distraction, Julia is not looking left and right anymore and runs directly to „ChungKing Noodles“, while the other ones are looking for a cozy spot in the shadow.

Frankly, Julia is the only one today who likes to eat spicily, but this also means that she has the whole dish for herself (JAAAACKPOOOOT!). On our plate: cold noodles, scallions, tofu, nuts and a big fat pile of Szechuan chili oil which you then stir to combine. Enjoy!
To make sure that everybody can have a try at these noodles, we start to reduce this Mount Everest amount of chili mixture, then toss to coat the noodles. Isa needs only one tiny noodle to decide that this dish is already "way too spicy!". But as we said, more for Julia! She's shoveling the remaining spice mixture back to the noodles and beams with joy.

But of course Isa doesn't stay hungry for too long, but strolls over the market to find her secret favorite of the day. We still can't believe that we have never heard of „Sacred Soul Food“ before, since we have the feeling they can look into our minds and dreams. Vegan deep fried chicken without us?!? Oh no, here we come.
Isa orders vegan chiccen and waffles with vegan cheese sauce and a blueberry BBQ sauce (she "accidentally" oversaw the Korean hot sauce... who's going to believe that, hm?!) But also withouth the hot sauce, we really like the dish. The breading is crispy, the sauces match very well – only Isa is still dreaming about the vegan chicken she at at "Temple of Seitan" in London and is hard to convince now when it comes to the perfect texture. To sum Conclusion: we'd definitely order this again (Isa, too!).
After that much carbs, we need... a smaller portion of carbs. We always love to go to “taktak“ and enjoy some pirogue with vegan sauerkraut stuffing. It's only one bite... that doesn't count anyway, right?! What we always love here: they serve a vegan dip (instead of sour cream) and a slightly salty gherkin on top. We say yes!

If you're in the mood for pierogies, visit “taktak“ in their restaurant in Berlin Mitte close to Rosenthaler Platz. They always have a vegan monthly special, as well as traditional dumplings with cabbage-mushroom filling, vegan soups and even bigos, a Polish stew that is served with smoked tofu and plums.
If you think, we're already going home now... nope. There's still one food stall left. The line in front of „Mamas Shabz“ is so long that it's already curling around itself. That means, either the service is very slow, or the food is delicious. We're happy that it's the latter. We grab a vegan pakora pancake made with potatoes (because it's our carb day of the year!), onions, chili and a de-li-ci-ous mint-cilantro chutney. Oh my, the pancake does taste good, but we could just eat this refreshing chutney, to be honest.

After all those carbs (which we also soaked in beer in our bellies), we're at the end, and full. Sorry, no room left for fries, pie or okonomiyaki (but we had these before and can tell you, that they are always a good choice!). We are rolling happily back home and will, well... digest until the next Bite Club takes place.