7 vegan hangover recipes
On Zucker&Jagdwurst you will find so many recipes that it can sometimes be difficult to find exactly the right one for the moment. For that, we've categorized our recipes, but if you want to be more specific, you'll hopefully find the right dish in our recipe collections – for example if you're looking for soy-free desserts, hangover food, and what to eat when you have a cold. You can find all recipe collections here.
If you had way too many drinks yesterday, today will be a tough day for you. But we're here to help you! So your only job today besides chilling in your bed and watching Netflix is too make something for dinner. We present seven vegan hangover-friendly recipes! They are quick, easy and the most effective recipes we've ever experienced!
1. Vegan Pan-Fried Potatoes with Vegetables

2. Vegan Lasagna with Béchamel Sauce

3. Vegan Egg Salad

4. Vegan Bánh Mì Sandwich

5. Vegan Spaghetti Carbonara

6. Vegan Butter Chicken

7. Vegan Burger