We are online.
Sometimes it's not all about recipes. From time to time, we also write about the bigger topics such as vegan clothing and cosmetics or wetell you about kitchen appliances we love. That's what "Papperlapapp" is all about. You can read all previous articles here.
Wheeeeeeeeep! We are online! Who would have thought this some months before? We definitely not. Before, Julia ate a piece of ananas and Isa a pear. We mean never ever! One year ago, we talked about Julias hoildays in Italy and she talked about pizza and the idea of starting a foodblog. Another half a year later, we like the idea more and more. And suddenly there was nothing else we wanted more.
We created this blog from scratch within ten weeks. We cracked up, laughed, mastered all the technical stuff and shooted, texted and meeted every free minute. Now it’s done and we are so happy. SO CRAZY. From now on we want to present you all the stuff we dreamed of. We love to cook and bake vegan, and we want to share all the yummy stuff with you!
We met three years ago in the sweetest yellow office in Berlin – at Mit Vergnügen. Funny, we didn’t met before at a vegan hot dog shop. Ever after we talked about food, food and food. Because this topic needs a lot of space, we decided to create a space, where all this vegan stuff has enough space to grow. So this space is named Zucker&Jagdwurst. We want to cook, bake, to visit restaurants and events, to travel, to be angry and to be happy with you! We want to discuss with you which blender is the best one and why this cheese is the one and only for us.
Therefor, we shooted and texted a lot in advance, cause we both are working full-time. But: we are very happy that Julia is a student of computer science, so it was huge fun to create this blog. haha, not! But it worked well in the end, or?
Most important of all: we have to say thank you to all the people who helped us in the past weeks. A big, big thank you to Pablo, who created this beautiful logo. We are so happy about this donut-sausage, oh my! Our second thank you goes out to Tina. She created all the beautiful illsutrations you can see on our page. They look so gorgeous! Moreover we have to say thank you to Lisa and Nadine. They helped us in the kitchen all the time we needed them. The same also applies to Milena, Marie, Maximilian, Nadine and Anne. And not to forget: thanks to Felix, who came up with the idea of an foodblog.
We hope you feel comfortable here. We want to show you so many things!
Biiig hearts,