Six Months Online.
Sometimes it's not all about recipes. From time to time, we also write about the bigger topics such as vegan clothing and cosmetics or wetell you about kitchen appliances we love. That's what "Papperlapapp" is all about. You can read all previous articles here.
Six months ago, we sat in front of our laptops until half past four in the morning, counting the minutes until we could announce: Zucker&Jagdwurst is online! What a crazy day! Our beloved, new project went online and we felt so happy. So crazy, already six months have passed. Time is passing so quickly.
Meanwhile we learned a lot of new things. Having a blog is a bit like a part-time job. Shooting new recipes on the weekend for ten hours straight and organizing, texting and meeting during the week. Puh, you need to have a real good time management if you want to write a blog while having a full-time-job. We really don’t know how the foodbloggers keep being organized, without a partner in crime. So by that time we are geeks at business formation, financial forms and WordPress plugins. Hell yeah! So it’s time to send a big thank you again to André. He optimized our mobile version and made sure that everything works quicker and better. And he saved our ass when our website was down. Thank you so much for your lovely support.
So we realized that this page became really important to us, when Isa was on vacation and couldn’t stop working on the beach, even if the sun was shining and the beach was calling. Another good example: if Julia is visiting her family over the weekend, she comes back with two or three new photographed recipes. Funny and silly at the same time, or? But it’s always such a good feeling to work on some new stuff.
We are so proud of this colorful and sweet page and how it grew up. And it is so crazy that Zeit Online, Detektor FM, Die Lange Nacht der Museen and Factory Berlin already worked with us. Wow! But first of all we are happy that all of you are still here! We recognize that you’re hot for yummy vegan food and don’t need debates on principles. We are very happy about each message or comment on instagram, facebook or here on the blog. We honor each commentary with a lot of love and response as fast as possible. If you want to hear more from us, subscribe for our newsletter.
We hope you all will be on board of our MS Zucker&Jagdwurst for the next six months. We have a lot of plans and want to share our sweetest foodie dreams with you.
Big hearts,
your always working tacos,
the 6 most popular recipes in the last 6 months.
vegan poppy-seed-pasta with plum sauce
Check the recipe here.
vegan pancake burger
Check the recipe here.
101 tarte flambées
Check the recipe here.
homemade pasta salad with pumpkin
Check the recipe here.
Check the recipe here.
vegan butter chicken with rice
Check the recipe here.